Monday, January 16, 2012

A reflection on me - my dream home

My dream house would be a reflection on me. Where you look at this house it would be almost as if you were looking into my soul. My dream home is a place of beauty, serenity and inspiration. 

It is a big house with a huge garden planted with fruit trees and flowering plants. There is a dining room with a large screen television and a private room for my kid's toys. Of course, a large swimming pool and a private room to myself. I also want to have a cinema in my house because I like watching movies any time. And of course a room for sport. Last but not least, there is a room for music because I can't live without it. 

I hope that I design my home myself and live my dream, I've waited for years. And I can't wait to sharte this beautiful house with my family and all my friends.

Sara N.K.
Pre-intermediate B

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