Thursday, September 22, 2005

Libyan foods

In Libya there are many kinds of foods like couscous, bazine, rishda and osban (sausages). Some of it we eat with our fingers like the bazine and asida. Some of the foods we use bread to pick up the food like tabikha. Other foods we eat with spoons like couscous and rishda.

Every season, we have kinds of food you must make, for example, in the small Eid we do many kinds of sweets like magrod, gharaiba, and baklawa. In the big Eid we make Ghaded. It's a delicious kind of food, and sausages. The favorite food, we make in Meloud is asida which we each with our fingers. Some cities in Libya to another kind of food in the eve of holidays, like Misrata, they make a kind of food called ftat. They make it in weddings.

The best food, which I like is couscous. It's so delicious.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like asida, but I eat it with a spoon!